
Check out this chance to visit parks for free

When the Indiana Department of Natural Resources says it wants Indiana residents to "check out" state parks this year, the department means it literally. ...

Focis: School safety

(Fort Wayne) News-Sentinel How do we walk the fine line between preparing our children for the real world and scaring them so...

Threats are no prank, waste valuable resources

A recent string of bomb threats at Indiana schools, businesses and shopping malls left school officials, police and business operators handcuffed and frustrated. ...

Statewide e-filing system helps public stay informed

Indiana’s top courts are forging ahead on an electronic-filing system that state officials say eventually will give the public free access to online court...

Statewide e-filing system helps public stay informed

Indiana’s top courts are forging ahead on an electronic-filing system that state officials say eventually will give the public free access to online court...

Drivers, be prepared for winter hazards

Just before 9 a.m. one day last month, Johnson County sheriff's deputies responded to a report of a vehicle stolen in the Carefree subdivision,...

Focus: Public schools

Gov. Mike Pence has declared that this year’s meeting of the state legislature will be an “education session dedicated to improving all our schools...

Helping teachers recognize dyslexia good for students

If dyslexia goes unrecognized, it can hamper a child's education throughout that youngster's schooling. That's why State Rep. Woody Burton, R-Greenwood, authored a bill...

Women’s sports pioneer truly was legend

The word "legend" gets bandied about so often nowadays it loses much of its meeting, but Ruth Ann Callon truly was a legend in...

Collaborative effort needed to fix state’s ISTEP debacle

The fall semester for local schools is over, and still educators do not have detailed ISTEP scores. By the time they get them next...