
Help your kids make books part of summer fun

Daily Journal Teachers and parents often worry that the distractions of summer vacation will diminish children’s reading skills. Local libraries worry, too,...

Join in moving our communities forward

Daily Journal On Thursday, dozens of Johnson County residents attended a program at Greenwood Community High School titled “Talent Retention and Attraction:...

Drug overdose kits result of lifesaving cooperation

Johnson Memorial Health has teamed up with local police departments to put the narcotics overdose intervention drug naloxone in the hands of police officers....

Focus: Jobs for veterans

(Marion) Chronicle-Tribune The 2015 session of the General Assembly included passage of some common sense legislation, including the beginning of a process...


As he prepares to retire from the U.S. Senate, Indiana’s Dan Coats says he’d like to see his colleagues work on two issues before...

A look behind the judiciary curtain

The judiciary is the least visible branch of government and perhaps the least understood. So it's good when jurists make an effort to demystify...

Let voice be heard in primary election

If all politics is local, as Tip O'Neill, longtime speaker of the U.S. House, used to say, then they don't get any more local...

Spelling Bee entrants’ poise beyond words

Daily Journal Most of us rely on spell-check to catch spelling errors, and we’d be petrified standing in front of a room...

Local man volunteers to help fellow veterans

Daily Journal When a support group that helps veterans open up after being in war zones overseas was in danger of ending,...

State aid necessity for corrections facility

A new facility to house offenders serving time on work release and programs that oversee home detention is one step closer to being built....