
Letter: A war-time president? Not quite.

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>When President Donald Trump could no longer avoid acknowledging the coronavirus, he pompously declared himself a “war-time president.” </p><p>OK.</p><p>However, given his track record...

Letter: A war-time president? Not quite.

To the editor:When President Donald Trump could no longer avoid acknowledging the coronavirus, he pompously declared himself a “war-time president.” OK.However, given his track record...

Letter: May God watch over those in blue

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>I am saddened to see on the news the police being victimized while they are trying to put law and order back...

Letter: May God watch over those in blue

To the editor:I am saddened to see on the news the police being victimized while they are trying to put law and order back...

Letter: Krull no more qualified than I am

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>A lack of verifying quotations and/or verifying statistics. Both are hallmarks of John Krull’s opinions we are subjected to as readers of...

Letter: Krull no more qualified than I am

To the editor:A lack of verifying quotations and/or verifying statistics. Both are hallmarks of John Krull’s opinions we are subjected to as readers of...

Letter: Honesty pays, right?

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>The government paid $1.4 billion in stimulus money to the deceased. My deceased wife received her $1,200.</p><p>While looking at my checking account...

Letter: Honesty pays, right?

To the editor:The government paid $1.4 billion in stimulus money to the deceased. My deceased wife received her $1,200.While looking at my checking account...

Letter: ‘Bout the same as me

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>'Bout the same as me.</p><p>I grew up thinking everyone was 'bout the same as me</p><p>Two brothers and a sister and a black...

Letter: ‘Bout the same as me

To the editor:'Bout the same as me.I grew up thinking everyone was 'bout the same as meTwo brothers and a sister and a black...