
Letter: Homelessness story eye-opener for county

To the editor: Thank you for the article on homelessness ("Homelessness in Johnson County," May 16). There is a lot of conventional...

Letter: Use any extra money to reduce tax burden

To the editor: Does the state of Indiana and Greenwood, Franklin and Whiteland have a lot of extra money? To build fancy...

Letter: Inmate to hometown: Can you forgive me?

To the editor: My name is Joshua Brook Baumgardner. I'm formerly from Franklin. I'm currently incarcerated at the Branchville Correctional Facility in...

Letter: Republican ‘rabbits’ sacrificed freedom

To the editor: The Religious Freedom Restoration Act events of recent weeks have, in the eyes/mind of the homosexual lobby/Democrats/mass media folk,...

Letter: Arguments for, against religion law not compelling

To the editor: Now that the battlefield smoke regarding the emotional divide over Indiana’s Restoration of Religious Freedom Act (RFRA) has abated...

Letter: Hoosiers paying cost of ill-considered legislation

To the editor: Two million dollars of taxpayer money is going to be used to rebuild the image of Indiana. A public...

Letter: Watch out for farmers during planting season

To the editor: Dear neighbors, Spring is here! With it comes a busy time on farms: planting season. This means...

Letter: Where did all this hate come from?

To the editor: I was born and raised in Indiana. When I was 48 years old, I left Indiana and moved out...

Letter: Check records to find who’s true conservative

To the editor: By now many of you have received mailings from various candidates vying for a seat on the Greenwood Common...

Letter: Franklin businesses open during road construction

To the editor:  Due to the road construction on Main Street and U.S. 31 in Franklin, AT&T and surrounding businesses are experiencing...