
Letter: Hunters wearing orange won’t spook deer

To the editor: I am always amused when I see deer hunters wearing camouflage clothing from head to toe. Someone should tell...

Letter: Improve city’s downtown; don’t tear it down

To the editor: I have been reading about the plan for Old Town Greenwood that has been proposed by the Restore Old...

Letter: Teachers can give kids future they deserve

To the editor: As another year comes to a close, I’ve been thinking about the ways that growing up in Greenwood has...

Letter: Greenwood City Council voting against growth

To the editor: I was quite disturbed after reading the article in the Dec. 17 Daily Journal about the Greenwood City Council...

Letter: Don’t blame Islam for corrupt followers

To the editor: ISIS/ISIL, al-Qaida, the Taliban. These groups are always putting fear in people around the globe. One thing...

Letter: Humane Society still needs financial, hands-on help

To the editor: Early in December, the Humane Society of Johnson County board of directors announced that without community support the Humane...

Letter: Columnists offer readers thoughtful commentaries

To the editor: Thank you for continuing to run Morton Marcus' columns. He is, as usual, right on (Dec. 11, "Big thank-you...

Letter: Despite missing statue, Jesus is with us

To the editor: News reports last week in both the Daily Journal and an Indianapolis newspaper featured stories about the baby Jesus...

Letter: News media putting Brown on pedestal

To the editor: I am deeply concerned about the direction our country is heading. The news media is putting Michael...

Letter: Central time can solve many school-delay issues

To the editor: I would like to point out that if Indiana time were based on Central instead of Eastern time, there...