
Letter: Educate yourself about solar companies’ moves

To the editor:After attending recent Shelby County government meetings the past two months and having schooled myself on the solar companies wanting to come...

Letter: My response to the Libertarian vote

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>In reference to an opinion column by Mark Franke regarding the Libertarian vote, his reference to Ross Perot really got my attention....

Letter: Guard members didn’t sign up for this

To the editor:Gov. Eric Holcomb is sending members of the Indiana National Guard into nursing homes to help overworked staff care for their residents....

Letter: My response to the Libertarian vote

To the editor:In reference to an opinion column by Mark Franke regarding the Libertarian vote, his reference to Ross Perot really got my attention....

Letter: Setting the record straight

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>As you may have read, Johnson Memorial Health has been mentioned in a lawsuit filed against Community Health Network by one of...

Letter: Setting the record straight

To the editor:As you may have read, Johnson Memorial Health has been mentioned in a lawsuit filed against Community Health Network by one of...

Letter: Setting the record straight

To the editor:As you may have read, Johnson Memorial Health has been mentioned in a lawsuit filed against Community Health Network by one of...

Letter: Myers to be recognized for city’s improvement, vision in Old Town project

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>As a longtime resident of Old Town Greenwood, I cannot believe the changes that have taken place over the past few years....

Letter: Myers to be recognized for city’s improvement, vision in Old Town project

To the editor:As a longtime resident of Old Town Greenwood, I cannot believe the changes that have taken place over the past few years....

Letter: Republican candidate would follow in Burton’s footsteps

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>Woody Burton has served as state representative for Indiana District 58 for 30 years. As our long-time servant, Burton recently decided to...