Local Opinion

Larry DeBoer: What forecasts say about future

Where is our economy going? Let’s ask some folks whose job it is to forecast the future of the U.S. economy. How about looking at...

Lori Borgman: Almost getting in the swing of things

I had a confession to make on the drive home. “I almost jumped out of the swing,” I said. Our son-in-law built a great swing set...

David Carlson: Am I my brother’s keeper?

My wife regularly talks with a cousin who lives in Norway. In a recent phone call, their conversation reverted to discussing the different responses to...

Dick Wolfsie: Sound advice

It all started the other morning when Mary Ellen shared with me at breakfast that she had not slept well the previous night. Chirp. Apparently, throughout...

Janet Hommel Mangas: From young and capable to grumpy ole woman

Well, I’m afraid to admit it, but it’s happened. I realize this may totally affect my column readership — but it’s time to come clean. For...

Elyssa Everling: Experience all that Indiana falls have to offer

Autumn in Indiana is the perfect time to get outside and explore what nature has to offer. After a season of lush greens and bright...

Norman Knight: Committed to worrying — for no good reason

We were under a lot of pressure. True, the pressure was self-imposed, but still, Becky and I were feeling anxious about the looming Trafalgar Country...

Norman Knight: Committed to worrying — for no good reason

We were under a lot of pressure. True, the pressure was self-imposed, but still, Becky and I were feeling anxious about the looming Trafalgar Country...

Elyssa Everling: Experience all that Indiana falls have to offer

Autumn in Indiana is the perfect time to get outside and explore what nature has to offer. After a season of lush greens and bright...

Rich Gotshall: Peak sandhill crane viewing window on horizon

You hear the birds long before you see them. The rattling, clacking, honking call of the sandhill cranes is unmistakable. And at the right time...