Local Opinion

Fancy washer features imposing, but no criticism of not pre-rinsing the socks with this...

When our new washer and dryer arrived last week, I watched as the two behemoths were installed by two other behemoths. “Don’t I get instructions?”...

From food to horses, goats and more food, get your fair fix on final...

The first fair element the hubby and I saw was an admiring crowd of children and adults petting three beautiful horses, simultaneously asking a...

From food to horses, goats and more food, get your fair fix on final...

<p>The first fair element the hubby and I saw was an admiring crowd of children and adults petting three beautiful horses, simultaneously asking a...

As children head back to school, legislators outline safety improvements

<p>In the coming weeks, many students and educators will be heading back to the classroom for a new school year. While this is an...

What’s a Hoosier? State doesn’t look beyond birth certificates, high school attendance

Indiana is enthralled with the idea of recruiting bright, young people from someplace else. We’re not as “advanced” as Vermont where the state is...

Letter: Senators asked to consider abortion stance of nominee

To the editor: Open letter to Senators Joseph Donnelly and Todd Young: I am writing regarding your deliberations regarding the upcoming vacancy on the Supreme Court...

As children head back to school, legislators outline safety improvements

In the coming weeks, many students and educators will be heading back to the classroom for a new school year. While this is an...

What’s a Hoosier? State doesn’t look beyond birth certificates, high school attendance

<p>Indiana is enthralled with the idea of recruiting bright, young people from someplace else. We’re not as “advanced” as Vermont where the state is...

Pathways to success after high school

A high school diploma no longer is the finish line — it’s now the starting line. Job growth and trends over the past 10...

She doesn’t give parenting advice, but if she did

I always think long and hard when people ask me for parenting advice. I tell them it was all I could do to parent...