Local Opinion

U.S. veterans deserve reforms, not politics

<strong>Bloomberg View</strong> The firing of Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin may seem like just another in the recent spate of executive-branch departures. But for his...

Economic stats not always what they seem

<strong>By Michael Hicks</strong> I often read about a community boasting about good news and am left puzzled. Maybe it is news of a reduction in...

Protestors overwhelming NRA

By John Krull INDIANAPOLIS – The massive turnouts at the March for Our Lives demonstrate at least two things. The first is that the demand for...

This grandbaby is a berry, berry special child

By Lori Borgman Our youngest is having another baby, and I’m weirded out. Not about the baby. We’re thrilled and excited about the baby. Couldn’t be...

Letter: Reader pleased with U.S. Postal Service

To the editor: I'm writing regarding Mr. Dick Huber's complaints about the USPS. (March 24, "Postal Service should straighten out mess"). I'm not questioning the validity...

In life, what goes around comes around

By Norman Knight In the next room Becky was on her phone watching a video sent by a friend. From the tiny sound of the speaker...

In life, what goes around comes around

<strong>By Norman Knight</strong> In the next room Becky was on her phone watching a video sent by a friend. From the tiny sound of the speaker...

Study says 7 in 10 drivers on phones

(Fort Wayne) News-Sentinel With spring break upon us, young people will be on the roads en masse to celebrate freedom from school and responsibility. One...

Study says 7 in 10 drivers on phones

<strong>(Fort Wayne) News-Sentinel</strong> With spring break upon us, young people will be on the roads en masse to celebrate freedom from school and responsibility. One...

Pence daughter knows how to win bunny fight

By Michael Leppert Recently, on HBO’s “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver,” a silly little comedy bit turned into something more. Oliver is one of my...