Local Opinion

Bring life into your space

I love our living room. It’s the space where our family collapses at the end of a long day. We snuggle under blankets and...

Where to live? Quality of life big factor in economic growth

<strong>By Michael J. Hicks</strong> Indiana’s economy is performing well these days, but growth is very uneven. From 1990 to 2017, the greater Indianapolis area gained...

Lugar, homework as line of defense

By John Krull WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In the window just over the right shoulder of former U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Indiana, the Washington Monument stands,...

Good house hunting: Wife takes painstaking steps to present perfect home

By Dick Wolfsie Mary Ellen was frantic. We were expecting a special guest, and I had never seen her so meticulous about tidying the house...

Best decisions not made on 1-0 vote

KPC News Service It became obvious that the Indiana Legislature does not operate the way you learned in high school civics class. The Legislature may have...

Lugar, homework as line of defense

<strong>By John Krull</strong> WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In the window just over the right shoulder of former U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Indiana, the Washington Monument stands,...

Best decisions not made on 1-0 vote

<strong>KPC News Service</strong> It became obvious that the Indiana Legislature does not operate the way you learned in high school civics class. The Legislature may have...

Good house hunting: Wife takes painstaking steps to present perfect home

<strong>By Dick Wolfsie</strong> Mary Ellen was frantic. We were expecting a special guest, and I had never seen her so meticulous about tidying the house...

Is simplifying tax code that complicated?

<strong>By Morton Marcus</strong> I spent part of a day last week at the Statehouse. I would have stayed longer, but I was getting dizzy and...

Anticorruption laws must be strengthened

<strong>Bloomberg View (TNS)</strong> When prosecutors decided to drop bribery charges against Sen. Robert Menendez, it was not so much a vindication for Menendez as an...