Local Opinion

Father’s love has helped shape life, encourage success

When I was a toddler, barely able to grasp a dime or quarter in my chubby toddler hand, he was the first man in...

An Indiana investment strategy that works

By Morton Marcus People who have bought a house and started their pension programs already often ask, “Where should I be investing?” The question arises...

Don’t tie aid to control of households

By Maryann O. Keating In a pre-digital age, a municipal department of public assistance was swamped with paper files generated by open welfare cases. In...

Picking president our most important choice

By Lee Hamilton Because we live in such tumultuous political times, it’s easy to believe that today’s intense public focus on the Trump presidency is...

Reducing number of townships sensible

(Fort Wayne) News-Sentinel Legislation announced by House Republicans would reduce the number of townships in Indiana by about a third. We think it’s a good...

A little more conversation, a little less cellphone

<strong>By Lori Borgman</strong> I am missing wit today. Not mine — that train left the station long ago — but the wit of others. I...

Picking president our most important choice

<strong>By Lee Hamilton</strong> Because we live in such tumultuous political times, it’s easy to believe that today’s intense public focus on the Trump presidency is...

Letter: Is president making bullying, name-calling acceptable?

To the editor: Although I wasn’t too excited about either presidential candidate in the last election, I have to say I have personally not had...

Letter: Column reminds writer about growing up a Campbell’s kid

To the editor: I really enjoyed "Soup perfect food for winter months" by Norman Knight. (Jan. 17).  It was spot on about soup. I, too,...

Letter: Country overdue in reclaiming good behavior in government

To the editor: The press secretary and other supporters have begun excusing Trump’s vulgar and disparaging remarks by claiming “that’s the way real Americans talk.” The...