Local Opinion

A little more conversation, a little less cellphone

By Lori Borgman I am missing wit today. Not mine — that train left the station long ago — but the wit of others. I...

Letter: Make your wishes known in writing before time comes

To the editor: I'm writing in regards to the column written by Kristen McConnell ("Make care decision now before it is too late," Jan. 6)...

Letter: Make your wishes known in writing before time comes

<strong>To the editor:</strong> I'm writing in regards to the column written by Kristen McConnell ("Make care decision now before it is too late," Jan. 6)...

Letter: Representatives must stand against Trump’s racist remarks

To the editor: President Trump’s recent comments about immigration are troubling and clearly run counter to the ethos that has been the hallmark of American...

Letter: Representatives must stand against Trump’s racist remarks

<strong>To the editor:</strong> President Trump’s recent comments about immigration are troubling and clearly run counter to the ethos that has been the hallmark of American...

‘Tis still the season: Christmas tree lights way through winter

By Norman Knight The two Christmas trees at our house are still up. We don’t feel embarrassed or guilty about it. After all, electricians didn’t take...

Kneeling refund bill should stay on bench

The issue of professional sports athletes kneeling during the playing of the “Star-Spangled Banner” has raged for about two years, creating factions of supporters...

School financial problems important issue this legislative session

<strong>By Michael Hicks</strong> Leaders of Indiana’s legislature have signaled they will take a look at school funding issues this year. Among their concerns are 1) the...

Living 38 minutes of fear in Hawaii

<strong>Chicago Tribune (TNS)</strong> In 1938, Orson Welles panicked the nation with a false alarm about a Martian invasion in the radio broadcast “The War of...

Living 38 minutes of fear in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune (TNS) In 1938, Orson Welles panicked the nation with a false alarm about a Martian invasion in the radio broadcast “The War of...