Local Opinion

Best gifts can’t be wrapped; holidays shouldn’t be about stuff

<strong>By Norman Knight</strong> I have been told I am hard to buy for. I am sure this is true. Usually it doesn’t cause a problem,...

We the people should lead Congress reform

<strong>By Lee Hamilton</strong> The first three words of the U.S. Constitution are, “We the People.” The Constitution itself, our institutions of government, the democratic process...

Best gifts can’t be wrapped; holidays shouldn’t be about stuff

By Norman Knight I have been told I am hard to buy for. I am sure this is true. Usually it doesn’t cause a problem,...

Best gifts can’t be wrapped; holidays shouldn’t be about stuff

By Norman Knight I have been told I am hard to buy for. I am sure this is true. Usually it doesn’t cause a problem,...

Indiana senator weighs in on hectic times for our country

<strong>By Brian Howey</strong> Freshman Indiana senators have had their share of initial tumult after joining the world’s most exclusive club, and U.S. Sen. Todd Young...

Hearts, heads and everything else

<strong>Chicago Tribune (TNS)</strong> Fifty years ago, Dr. Christiaan Barnard, a South African surgeon, lifted a human heart out of the chest of a young bank...

Save during Christmas season

<strong>By Cherie Lowe</strong> Forever the Christmas season will be a time for family, food, decorating giving and receiving. You’ve heard me speak before of the many...

Save during Christmas season

By Cherie Lowe Forever the Christmas season will be a time for family, food, decorating giving and receiving. You’ve heard me speak before of the many...

Letter: Tax plan helps wealthy, hurts senior citizens

<strong>To the editor:</strong> Once again the ill-informed voting public who elected Donald Trump and his fellow Republican majority are going to get what they deserve....

Indiana senator weighs in on hectic times for our country

By Brian Howey Freshman Indiana senators have had their share of initial tumult after joining the world’s most exclusive club, and U.S. Sen. Todd Young...