Local Opinion

Demographics changing for schools

<strong>By Maryann O. Keating</strong> Between 1992 and 2005, U.S. government spending on K-12 education, adjusted for inflation, doubled. However, per-pupil spending in the nation’s public schools...

What is best measure of learning success?

By Morton Marcus One of the most popular numbers used to describe (and often judge) a community is educational attainment. The Census Bureau provides such...

Tourism helps at home: County boosting efforts to attract visitors, their money

By Kenneth Kosky I just read an article about how the 10-day Covered Bridge Festival in nearby Parke County helps that rural county survive the...

Tourism helps at home: County boosting efforts to attract visitors, their money

<strong>By Kenneth Kosky</strong> I just read an article about how the 10-day Covered Bridge Festival in nearby Parke County helps that rural county survive the...

Grizzlies are forever: College celebrates values during homecoming

By Thomas J. Minar In the Franklin College community, an expression resonates across generations and encompasses alumni, students, employees, friends and community partners. The adage...

Vacation weather: Cloudy with a chance of s’mores

By Lori Borgman There is an underlying assumption that you will have good weather whenever you plan a trip. The good weather assumption is right...

Grizzlies are forever: College celebrates values during homecoming

<strong>By Thomas J. Minar</strong> In the Franklin College community, an expression resonates across generations and encompasses alumni, students, employees, friends and community partners. The adage...

McCain writing eloquent ending

St. Louis Post-Dispatch (TNS) U.S. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., gave a speech last week that deserves to be heard or read by every American. McCain...

Letter: Representative asks for public input as next session looms

To the editor: It’s hard to believe that fall is already in full swing. Before we know it, we’ll be ringing in the New Year,...

Letter: Representative asks for public input as next session looms

To the editor: It’s hard to believe that fall is already in full swing. Before we know it, we’ll be ringing in the New Year,...