Local Opinion

Think it through: Do you really need that expensive new phone

Every year, a certain technology company named for a particularly delicious produce item rolls out a dazzling new product. People plan their entire day...

Think it through: Do you really need that expensive new phone

Every year, a certain technology company named for a particularly delicious produce item rolls out a dazzling new product. People plan their entire day...

Letter: NFL players’ protest political déjà vu?

<strong>To the editor:</strong> In 1981, the highly paid PATCO (Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization) union strikers' demand for higher wages wound up with 11,000 of...

Letter: NFL players’ protest political déjà vu?

To the editor: In 1981, the highly paid PATCO (Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization) union strikers' demand for higher wages wound up with 11,000 of...

EPA there to help, not push politics

(Fort Wayne) News-Sentinel Because they are made by people with the most knowledge of area problems and potentials, state and local government decisions are better...

Trump on DACA: Do your job, Congress

<strong>(Fort Wayne) News-Sentinel</strong> Well, so much for Hoosier common sense. A lot of Indiana officials are joining the preening, posturing hordes dumping on President Trump...

Time to quit building business incubators

<strong>By Michael J. Hicks</strong> Entrepreneur is a funny French word that describes the men and women who serve as the spark to economic activity. Without entrepreneurs...

Letter: Another military draft not necessary

To the editor: Why would you even print such a stupid guest column about our military and our president? ("Volunteer military, or back to the...

Letter: Firefighters should be trained on battery fires

To the editor: I applaud the training for dealing with hazardous materials, "Firefighters train for fire with hazardous materials," Daily Journal, Sept. 23. To be...

Trump on DACA: Do your job, Congress

(Fort Wayne) News-Sentinel Well, so much for Hoosier common sense. A lot of Indiana officials are joining the preening, posturing hordes dumping on President Trump...