Local Opinion

Letter: Bannon departure might help Trump

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p> <p>I always thought of Steve Bannon as Screwtape and Donald Trump as Wormwood — the former teaching the apprentice...

Unpacking ideas in a car packed with people

<strong>By Janet Hommel Mangas</strong> We’ve been driving north since 8 a.m. — it’s almost 6 p.m. As we pass Chippewa Falls, I realize the temperature...

Sleepwalking best not remembered

Whenever I pick up the newspaper, I find medical news contrary to previously reported findings. It’s just a matter of time, for example, before someone...

Sleepwalking best not remembered

Whenever I pick up the newspaper, I find medical news contrary to previously reported findings. It’s just a matter of time, for example, before someone...

Letter: Trump’s presidency not ‘by the people’

To the editor: Mr. George Allen (“Trump’s America of, by, and for people,” letter, Aug. 14) might want to pick up a...

Letter: Trump’s presidency not ‘by the people’

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p> <p>Mr. George Allen (“Trump’s America of, by, and for people,” letter, Aug. 14) might want to pick up a...

Unpacking ideas in a car packed with people

By Janet Hommel Mangas We’ve been driving north since 8 a.m. — it’s almost 6 p.m. As we pass Chippewa Falls, I realize the temperature...

Purdue’s chief instills new plans for higher education

Since becoming president of Purdue University in 2013, former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels has made headlines for his efforts to lower costs, increase academic...

Letter: Sports editor doing great job covering local events

To the editor: I have become a real fan of your sports editor, Ryan O'Leary. As a longtime fan of local sports, from high school...

Letter: Sports editor doing great job covering local events

<strong>To the editor:</strong> I have become a real fan of your sports editor, Ryan O'Leary. As a longtime fan of local sports, from high school...