Local Opinion

Watching your favorite shows doesn’t have to be expensive

By Cherie Lowe A recent study from the National Association of Broadcasters revealed that nearly 30 percent of Americans had no idea that you could...

Watching your favorite shows doesn’t have to be expensive

<strong>By Cherie Lowe</strong> A recent study from the National Association of Broadcasters revealed that nearly 30 percent of Americans had no idea that you could...

Lesson from RFRA tourism argument

(Fort Wayne) News-Sentinel Remember the great social media outrage ginned up against Indiana in 2015 when the state passed its Religious Freedom Restoration Act? That...

Stalemate leaves health insurance in limbo

By Trudy Lieberman What should you expect now that the drive to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act appears dead – at least for...

Letter: Becoming U.S. citizen a privilege

To the editor: In the Aug. 15 paper, "there was published a thoughtful, well-written  column "Immigration reform plan crushes American dream," by Janet Williams, editor...

Stalemate leaves health insurance in limbo

<strong>By Trudy Lieberman</strong> What should you expect now that the drive to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act appears dead – at least for...

Getting older means stop taking things for granted

By Norman Knight My right knee was hurting so much after our Sunday run that I reluctantly gave in to the experts’ RICE advice and...

Letter: Give president Trump same opportunity we gave his predecessor

<strong>To the editor:</strong> I normally prefer to engage in a discussion about the urban forest than to engage in a public discourse about politics, however...

Russia sanctions a bipartisan effort

Kokomo Tribune If it doesn’t seem like the lawmakers Americans send to Washington, D.C., can agree on anything, it might be because it’s basically the...

Real journalists being tortured, kidnapped, even murdered to give you #realnews

By Craig Forman “Enemy of the American people,” #DishonestMedia, “garbage journalism,” #FakeNews. These are some of the insults hurled at journalists in recent months in efforts...