Local Opinion

Real journalists being tortured, kidnapped, even murdered to give you #realnews

<strong>By Craig Forman</strong> “Enemy of the American people,” #DishonestMedia, “garbage journalism,” #FakeNews. These are some of the insults hurled at journalists in recent months in efforts...

Letter: Give president Trump same opportunity we gave his predecessor

To the editor: I normally prefer to engage in a discussion about the urban forest than to engage in a public discourse about politics, however...

Letter: Maybe we should go back to Pony Express for mail delivery

To the editor: Back in the 1800s, three men got together to speed up mail -- hence the Pony Express's first deliveries were from Missouri...

Letter: Single payer healthcare system would be best option for U.S.

To the editor: Mr. (Kenneth) Devoe of Greenwood has written a letter extolling the U.S.  health system as the best in the world ("U.S. sets...

Letter: Maybe we should go back to Pony Express for mail delivery

<strong>To the editor:</strong> Back in the 1800s, three men got together to speed up mail -- hence the Pony Express's first deliveries were from Missouri...

Letter: Can pro-science, pro-equality person still be a Republican?

To the editor: It's hard to know what the Republican Party stands for these days. Given the turmoil in Washington it appears that Republicans themselves...

Letter: Single payer healthcare system would be best option for U.S.

<strong>To the editor:</strong> Mr. (Kenneth) Devoe of Greenwood has written a letter extolling the U.S.  health system as the best in the world ("U.S. sets...

Letter: Can pro-science, pro-equality person still be a Republican?

<strong>To the editor:</strong> It's hard to know what the Republican Party stands for these days. Given the turmoil in Washington it appears that Republicans themselves...

Terminally ill find hope in legislation

Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.” — Jim Valvano Imagine your child has been diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a disease with no discernible cure....

Improving Affordable Care Act takes desire to do it

When the president says we should let Obamacare fail, what he’s talking about are the exchanges that provide health insurance for this nation’s working...