Local Opinion

Letter: Time for Democrats to stop standing in Trump’s way

<strong>To the editor:</strong> The liberal democrats have one major project today, and that is to impede our president so he cannot succeed with his programs...

Letter: Trump’s America of, by, for people

To the editor: This is in reference to a letter from Donald Smith, published in the Aug. 1 Daily Journal ("Ordinary people...

Foxconn deal is astonishingly bad for Wisconsin taxpayers

Recently Foxconn announced the opening of a large factory in Wisconsin. One benefit of that announcement was that it revealed, in one tidy location,...

Letter: Trump’s America of, by, for people

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p> <p>This is in reference to a letter from Donald Smith, published in the Aug. 1 Daily Journal ("Ordinary people...

Foxconn deal is astonishingly bad for Wisconsin taxpayers

Recently Foxconn announced the opening of a large factory in Wisconsin. One benefit of that announcement was that it revealed, in one tidy location,...

Crawfordsville museum closing sparks memories

Note: The Ropkey Armor Museum in Crawfordsville has closed after more than 35 years. It was one of the finest private collections in the...

Letter: U.S. sets standard in medical practice

To the editor: Every morning, I arise sleepy-eyed, barely alive and read the Daily Journal. A few days ago, I was startled and jolted to find...

Lesson from family reunion? Family full of characters

One wouldn’t normally think that a family reunion is an obvious place of learning. And yet, I was schooled last Sunday at the 93rd...

Lesson from family reunion? Family full of characters

One wouldn’t normally think that a family reunion is an obvious place of learning. And yet, I was schooled last Sunday at the 93rd...

Call-blocking system keeps scammers away

By James Johnson I haven’t heard from Rachel lately. She called me almost daily up until a short time ago, trying her hardest to reduce...