Local Opinion

Goodbye, Fitbit: Too clingy and always judging

By Elise Seyfried Dear Fitbit, I’m not sure quite how to put this. I really don’t want to hurt you. But I think we need to...

Call-blocking system keeps scammers away

<strong>By James Johnson</strong> I haven’t heard from Rachel lately. She called me almost daily up until a short time ago, trying her hardest to reduce...

Goodbye, Fitbit: Too clingy and always judging

<strong>By Elise Seyfried</strong> Dear Fitbit, I’m not sure quite how to put this. I really don’t want to hurt you. But I think we need to...

State’s child-abuse problems must end

Kokomo Tribune Out of respect for some families, not talking about child abuse or neglect might seem like the right thing to do. Unfortunately, it...

The pain of being a popular economic statistic

<strong>By Morton Marcus</strong> My studies take me all over Indiana with frequent trips into the Data Dungeon. Today I saw Per Capita Personal Income (called...

State’s child-abuse problems must end

<strong>Kokomo Tribune</strong> Out of respect for some families, not talking about child abuse or neglect might seem like the right thing to do. Unfortunately, it...

Take cover — the zucchini are coming (if you can find them)

By Lori Borgman It is zucchini season once again, that delightful window of summer when zucchini are so abundant that people aggressively push them on...

Letter: Column disrespectful to voters, President Trump

To the editor: "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore." A quote from an old movie. That is how I feel...

Listen to other countries on consequential issues

By David Carlson When I came to Franklin College in the late 1970s, I had a wonderful colleague who taught me an important lesson. One...

Take cover — the zucchini are coming (if you can find them)

<strong>By Lori Borgman</strong> It is zucchini season once again, that delightful window of summer when zucchini are so abundant that people aggressively push them on...