Local Opinion

Letter: GOP health care proposal disastrous

To the editor: In January, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said this about the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare: “What you need to understand...

What is definition of ‘normal’ after property tax changes?

By Larry DeBoer Think of the changes in the Indiana property tax system between 1998 and 2010. The Indiana Supreme Court threw out the assessment...

Tough decisions: State’s leaders must deal with upcoming health care changes

By Brian Tabor Health care leaders across the state are closely following the action in Washington D.C. on “repeal and replace” of the Affordable Care...

Columnist finds solidarity in typoes, er typos

By Lori Borgman I enjoy other people’s typos, not in a gloating sense, but in the sense that it lets me know I am not...

Michigan getting tough on opioids

South Bend Tribune The Michigan House took an important step in the battle to rein in opioid abuse. The House passed legislation that would: create an...

Tough decisions: State’s leaders must deal with upcoming health care changes

<strong>By Brian Tabor</strong> Health care leaders across the state are closely following the action in Washington D.C. on “repeal and replace” of the Affordable Care...

Government money stirs up strong views

By Morton Marcus My friends have differing views about the money governments give to individuals. Some think it is immoral for any government to give...

Michigan getting tough on opioids

<strong>South Bend Tribune</strong> The Michigan House took an important step in the battle to rein in opioid abuse. The House passed legislation that would: create an...

Government money stirs up strong views

<strong>By Morton Marcus</strong> My friends have differing views about the money governments give to individuals. Some think it is immoral for any government to give...

When it comes to home decor, keep an eye on bottom line

By Cherie Lowe I have very few goals when it comes to my house. I want the people inside its walls to feel well loved. ...