Local Opinion

State needs to learn from I-69 mistakes

<strong>(Bloomington) Herald-Times</strong> Officials with the Indiana Finance Authority correctly say you can’t condemn all public-private partnerships entered into by the state based on the failed...

Letter: Losing side can’t stop bashing Trump

<strong>To the editor:</strong> June 19's "Another Viewpoint" column ("Where's apology for assaulting journalist?") is such a common example of why we don't trust journalism anymore....

Time to consider scrapping debt ceiling

<strong>By Lee Hamilton</strong> Back when I was in Congress, I got a call from a constituent one day. I’d recently voted to raise the nation’s...

Vegetable by any other name … tastes the same

By Norman Knight Ah, fluffy little bunny rabbits hopping with their long ears through the grass twitching their tiny noses as they gently explore the...

Vegetable by any other name … tastes the same

<strong>By Norman Knight</strong> Ah, fluffy little bunny rabbits hopping with their long ears through the grass twitching their tiny noses as they gently explore the...

State needs to learn from I-69 mistakes

(Bloomington) Herald-Times Officials with the Indiana Finance Authority correctly say you can’t condemn all public-private partnerships entered into by the state based on the failed...

Letter: Losing side can’t stop bashing Trump

To the editor: June 19's "Another Viewpoint" column ("Where's apology for assaulting journalist?") is such a common example of why we don't trust journalism anymore....

Time to consider scrapping debt ceiling

By Lee Hamilton Back when I was in Congress, I got a call from a constituent one day. I’d recently voted to raise the nation’s...

Letter: Columnist continues attacks on Trump

<strong>To the editor:</strong> Franklin College trustee Dan Thomasson (former editor of the Scripps Howard News Service) once again, on June 19, subjects Johnson County readers...

Giving kidney an unselfish act, especially for stranger

By Terry Wood It is extremely unlikely anyone you know will ask you to donate a kidney. So don’t worry, you’re safe. Or are you?...