Local Opinion

Letter: Columnist continues attacks on Trump

To the editor: Franklin College trustee Dan Thomasson (former editor of the Scripps Howard News Service) once again, on June 19, subjects Johnson County readers...

Governors serve up sound advice on improving healthcare legislation

AKRON BEACON JOURNAL (TNS) John Kasich and six other governors offered good advice to the Senate leadership on how to advance repair of the Affordable...

Giving kidney an unselfish act, especially for stranger

<strong>By Terry Wood</strong> It is extremely unlikely anyone you know will ask you to donate a kidney. So don’t worry, you’re safe. Or are you?...

Governors serve up sound advice on improving healthcare legislation

<strong>AKRON BEACON JOURNAL (TNS)</strong> John Kasich and six other governors offered good advice to the Senate leadership on how to advance repair of the Affordable...

Letter: Congress must show courage to take charge, reclaim country

To the editor: There are four things a courageous Congress could do that would make America really great and prosperous for all of our people....

Letter: Congress must show courage to take charge, reclaim country

<strong>To the editor:</strong> There are four things a courageous Congress could do that would make America really great and prosperous for all of our people....

Letter: Jury of peers wrong, imperfect system

To the editor: I have been reading lately about many jury trials that have wrongly convicted a person or, the opposite, failed...

Letter: Time to move away from rhetoric

To the editor: In response to the letter from Bob Bauer on June 17 ("Trump still not proven to be good president")...

Letter: Studies show pot’s negative effect

To the editor: Hats off to Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill, who gave us the straight scoop about marijuana in his June...

‘What time is it, kids?’

I turned 70 this year. And so did a 10-year-old freckled little boy named Howdy Doody. For those too young to remember, The Howdy...