Local Opinion

State is past due for rewrite of alcohol laws

I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again, and I will keep saying it until I am blue in the face. It’s time to...

Illinois’ debt no laughing matter to Indiana

During the past several years many folks in the Midwest have enjoyed a good chuckle at the expense of Illinois and its hapless public...

State is past due for rewrite of alcohol laws

I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again, and I will keep saying it until I am blue in the face. It’s time to...

Grandma’s art camp: Trying to paint the big picture

I was one of those mothers who believed that every moment was a potentially teachable moment. Not having learned my lesson the first time...

Letter: Patriotism isn’t the same as nationalism

To the editor: Patriotism can have multiple meanings depending on different factors like time, place and situation. Patriotism in a time of war can have...

Legislators, don’t legalize marijuana

By Curtis Hill During the lull between legislative sessions, the marijuana lobby is preparing its next big push to legalize pot in Indiana. These activists want...

The truth about cost of living in Indiana

By Morton Marcus No topic generates more email for me than the persistent belief of readers that wages in Indiana are low because the cost...

Terror, the new normal? Never

Chicago Tribune (TNS) A truck. A van. A knife. A hammer. Those are some of the low-tech weapons wielded by terrorists in London, Paris and...

Grandma’s art camp: Trying to paint the big picture

I was one of those mothers who believed that every moment was a potentially teachable moment. Not having learned my lesson the first time...

Letter: Patriotism isn’t the same as nationalism

<strong>To the editor:</strong> Patriotism can have multiple meanings depending on different factors like time, place and situation. Patriotism in a time of war can have...