Local Opinion

Remembering those who have sacrificed their lives for us

July 8, 1959, the day before I was born, marks the day the first two Americans were killed in the Vietnam War. They were...

What’s in a name? Apparently confusion

Despite being on TV in Indianapolis for almost 40 years, people constantly confuse me with other people with a similar name. Here are letters...

Hoosiers demanded fiscal responsibility

Hoosiers and Americans have, for far too long, witnessed Congress “kicking the can down the road” to avoid having difficult conversations, the very conversations...

Remembering those who have sacrificed their lives for us

July 8, 1959, the day before I was born, marks the day the first two Americans were killed in the Vietnam War. They were...

What’s in a name? Apparently confusion

Despite being on TV in Indianapolis for almost 40 years, people constantly confuse me with other people with a similar name. Here are letters...

Hoosiers demanded fiscal responsibility

Hoosiers and Americans have, for far too long, witnessed Congress “kicking the can down the road” to avoid having difficult conversations, the very conversations...

Some hard truths on school funding in Indiana

<strong>By Michael Hicks</strong> School funding is a critically important issue — K-12 education absorbs about half of all the tax dollars spent in Indiana. Surprisingly, it...

Let’s leave immigration fixes to states

By David Bier Recently, Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, introduced a new bill that would allow states to sponsor foreign workers to...

Letter: God’s plan provides answer in abortion debate

To the editor: At what point do we question God? Although bringing God into the pro-life/abortion rights argument seems unfortunately contentious these days, I would like...

Some hard truths on school funding in Indiana

By Michael Hicks School funding is a critically important issue — K-12 education absorbs about half of all the tax dollars spent in Indiana. Surprisingly, it...