Local Opinion

Movie brings back memories of old friend

<strong>By Norman Knight</strong> It was raining Thursday morning as we left for Indianapolis, but then again it had been raining for days upon chilly days,...

Letter: There’s no consistency with senior citizens

<strong>To the editor:</strong> I agree with Mr. Tom Huston's article ("Highway bill just fueling problems," May 2), but would like to add that the legislators...

Movie brings back memories of old friend

By Norman Knight It was raining Thursday morning as we left for Indianapolis, but then again it had been raining for days upon chilly days,...

Letter: There’s no consistency with senior citizens

To the editor: I agree with Mr. Tom Huston's article ("Highway bill just fueling problems," May 2), but would like to add that the legislators...

State leaders must boost environment

(Terre Haute) Tribune-Star Indiana has many reputations. Residents are known for “Hoosier hospitality.” State politicians boast about the “business-friendly” economic climate, fiscal prudence and a...

Downward trend: Predicting base rate of farmland for property taxes

<strong>By Larry DeBoer</strong> The late great George Carlin had a routine about a weather forecaster. "The forecast for tonight: dark. Continued dark throughout the night, with...

Colleges and the combat between truth, error

By John Krull INDIANAPOLIS Thomas Jefferson said it best. “This institution will be based on the illimitable freedom of the human mind. For here we are not...

Failure isn’t fatal: How to change missing the mark into success

Our culture has such a weird obsession with failure. Most of us buy into the lie that once we fail in a particular area...

Downward trend: Predicting base rate of farmland for property taxes

By Larry DeBoer The late great George Carlin had a routine about a weather forecaster. "The forecast for tonight: dark. Continued dark throughout the night, with...

Failure isn’t fatal: How to change missing the mark into success

Our culture has such a weird obsession with failure. Most of us buy into the lie that once we fail in a particular area...