Local Opinion

State leaders must boost environment

<strong>(Terre Haute) Tribune-Star</strong> Indiana has many reputations. Residents are known for “Hoosier hospitality.” State politicians boast about the “business-friendly” economic climate, fiscal prudence and a...

Put teens to work — for their sake and ours

Do you remember your first “real” job, beyond babysitting or mowing lawns? What did that job teach you? For many of us, our early...

Put teens to work — for their sake and ours

Do you remember your first “real” job, beyond babysitting or mowing lawns? What did that job teach you? For many of us, our early...

Positive direction in Indiana’s roads plan

(Terre Haute) Tribune-Star With another legislative session completed, it’s important to reflect on the remarkable progress lawmakers made in addressing the pressing needs of Indiana’s...

Keep press free: Even alt-right news organization has rights

WASHINGTON In a chaotic media environment that includes President Donald Trump’s long-running feud with mainline, old school journalism comes another thorny issue, this one concerning...

Keep press free: Even alt-right news organization has rights

WASHINGTON In a chaotic media environment that includes President Donald Trump’s long-running feud with mainline, old school journalism comes another thorny issue, this one concerning...

What is it good for?

Let’s not condemn Donald Trump for suggesting that people ask, “Why was there the Civil War?” It’s a relevant question, perhaps now more than...

Moon calendar works for both Great Husband, Fantastic Wife

I’m not sure what you did this week, but I couldn’t help notice while leafing through the Farmer’s Almanac “Gardening by the Moon Calendar”...

Criticize policy, not officials

<strong>(Fort Wayne) News-Sentinel</strong> Some government officials are being condemned by millions of Americans for a strange reason: They are enforcing the law. That makes no sense...

What is it good for?

Let’s not condemn Donald Trump for suggesting that people ask, “Why was there the Civil War?” It’s a relevant question, perhaps now more than...