Local Opinion

Reaping what you sow: In this case, confusion

There has been so much confusion in the garden this spring that I have fallen into a state of wisteria. Here in the Garden of...

Productivity more than population

By Morton Marcus “Is that all you got to say this week?” HomeFree asks as he bends over my laptop at the diner. He’s that...

Productivity more than population

<strong>By Morton Marcus</strong> “Is that all you got to say this week?” HomeFree asks as he bends over my laptop at the diner. He’s that...

Trump’s tax plan would help workers

By Michael Tanner Donald Trump announced his long-awaited tax-reform plan recently, the centerpiece of which is a reduction of the top federal corporate tax rate...

Trump’s tax plan would help workers

<strong>By Michael Tanner</strong> Donald Trump announced his long-awaited tax-reform plan recently, the centerpiece of which is a reduction of the top federal corporate tax rate...

It’s not that far from utopia to dystopia

By Norman Knight I think I first became aware of the word “dystopian” back in 2008 when I was still teaching seventh-grade language arts. My...

It’s not that far from utopia to dystopia

<strong>By Norman Knight</strong> I think I first became aware of the word “dystopian” back in 2008 when I was still teaching seventh-grade language arts. My...

EPA reverses on common pesticide

ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH (TNS) President Donald Trump told Fox Business News in April: “We’ve done an amazing job on regulations. We’ve freed it up. We...

Trump administration has made progress but still finding its way

By Lee Hamilton I have significant differences with Donald Trump’s political stances, but I want him to enjoy a successful presidency. It’s good for neither...

Legislature session ends on high note

<strong>(Bloomington) Herald-Times</strong> The end of this session of the Indiana General Assembly included welcome news on some issues of importance to Hoosiers, including preschool funding...