Local Opinion

Immigration into U.S. has benefits as well as costs

By Michael Hicks Immigration and its effect on wages and employment often is viewed as a parallel discussion to international trade. After all, the much...

Schools-chief bill makes bold return

Something to keep in mind about the “rules” of a legislative body: They are not set in stone. They are adopted by the body...

Where did the Trump family come from?

By David Carlson For any parent who has instructed a child to always tell the truth, the behavior of the current occupant in the White...

Schools-chief bill makes bold return

Something to keep in mind about the “rules” of a legislative body: They are not set in stone. They are adopted by the body...

Letter: Local paper still bitter over Clinton loss

<strong>To the editor:</strong> On March 6, your Opinion page banner headline read, "Wanted: Political 'rabbits', (to) shadow presidency." And then on March 22, another banner...

Probe on Trump’s ties to Russia could become mess

<strong>By Lee Hamilton</strong> The recent announcement by FBI Director James Comey that his agency is investigating links between members of President Trump’s campaign and Russia...

Just make tweaks to Affordable Care Act

The Dallas Morning News Just about everyone in Washington wants to move on from last week’s big standoff over Republicans’ failed attempt to repeal and...

Reserved parking for … (your name, title here)

By Dick Wolfsie My mother, rest her soul, drove her 1997 Buick until almost 90 … and sometimes faster. She was in great health at age...

Letter: Local paper still bitter over Clinton loss

To the editor: On March 6, your Opinion page banner headline read, "Wanted: Political 'rabbits', (to) shadow presidency." And then on March 22, another banner...

Just make tweaks to Affordable Care Act

<strong>The Dallas Morning News</strong> Just about everyone in Washington wants to move on from last week’s big standoff over Republicans’ failed attempt to repeal and...