Local Opinion

Will Trump’s deeds match his words?

<strong>FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM (TNS)</strong> Everyone stands when the president enters the room. It’s protocol, a deserved sign of respect for the office and the American people...

Can the media hold politicians accountable?

By Lee Hamilton If you watched Donald Trump’s recent news conference, you may have overlooked a telling and worrisome moment. A CNN reporter tried to ask...

They don’t make ’em like Ike anymore

By Rich Gotshall In today’s hyperpartisan political environment, critical comments — even suggestions — from people seen as opponents are dismissed out of hand or...

Letter: Medical marijuana should be legalized

To the editor: Sen. Karen Tallian introduced Senate Bill 255, a bill legalizing medical marijuana, to the general assembly this year. I ask that all...

So who really actually pays taxes?

One interesting aspect of any discussion about taxes is how many otherwise well-educated people misunderstand the truths about who bears the burden of a...

Letter: Medical marijuana should be legalized

<strong>To the editor:</strong> Sen. Karen Tallian introduced Senate Bill 255, a bill legalizing medical marijuana, to the general assembly this year. I ask that all...

U.S. needs to cut its losses in Iraq

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE (TNS) One question that should be high on the foreign policy agenda of President-elect Donald Trump is whether America should continue the war...

Steps taken to make role of judiciary indispensable

By Bonnie Coleman In 1787, the 12 states adopted the Constitution of the United States of America. In the Constitution, there are three branches of...

Steps taken to make role of judiciary indispensable

<strong>By Bonnie Coleman</strong> In 1787, the 12 states adopted the Constitution of the United States of America. In the Constitution, there are three branches of...

Remembering quips of funny journalist

By Dick Wolfsie In 2005, famed political humorist Art Buchwald entered hospice in Washington, D.C. Last week, I described how I first met Mr. Buchwald in...