Local Opinion

Don’t drain the swamp Mr. President-elect, instead … fill it up

As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump pledged to oust special interests from government by promising to “drain the swamp” in Washington. These three words make...

Castro’s staying power made him notorious

The death of Fidel Castro, the retired leader of Cuba, gives us Americans an occasion to ponder why he is so famous. If we...

Here’s advice for next Indiana governor Holcomb

He didn’t ask, but I have some advice for our in-coming governor, Eric Holcomb. I’ve had advice for all our governors since 1970, but...

Welcome to Washington, Mr. President-Elect

<img class="alignnone wp-image-90732 size-full" src="http://www.dailyjournal.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2016/11/20161118cr-white-house.jpg" alt="White House" width="1200" height="800" /> As hard as the campaign might have been and the transition is proving to be,...

Asian nations talking trade; U.S. might balk

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (TNS) In a video statement recently, President-elect Donald Trump laid out as his first priority the U.S. withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade...

Here’s advice for next Indiana governor Holcomb

He didn’t ask, but I have some advice for our in-coming governor, Eric Holcomb. I’ve had advice for all our governors since 1970, but...

Asian nations talking trade; U.S. might balk

<strong>Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (TNS)</strong> In a video statement recently, President-elect Donald Trump laid out as his first priority the U.S. withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade...

Welcome to Washington, Mr. President-Elect

As hard as the campaign might have been and the transition is proving to be, Donald Trump’s challenges are really just beginning. Governing after...

Shopping Dream Team

On this last day of November, the cusp of December and the holiday season, our President-Elect is busy vetting candidates for his cabinet posts...

Letter: Carlson delivers another tired message

To the editor: Nine days post-election is all it took for Professor David Carlson (“The Wave: Trump rides fear, racism to White...