Local Opinion

Letter: Set good example with cellphone use

To the editor: While walking my dog along the trail that parallels Morgantown Road just north of Stones Crossing Road on a recent Sunday morning,...

English professor helped push pardon to forefront

Regardless of who won Tuesday’s gubernatorial election, victory seems likely for a cause that English professor Jack Heller has embraced on behalf of a...

Letter: Social Security not entitlement program

To the editor: I would like to respond to comments made in a column by Lee Hamilton in the Nov. 1 edition ("An issue U.S....

Our Purdue astronauts crossed final frontier

Before they were superheroes of the Space Age, they were students at Purdue. Virgil “Gus” Grissom, native of Mitchell in Lawrence County, Purdue University class...

Despite election tension, remember to love thy neighbor

An open letter to the lady I talked to in Aldi’s on Election Day around noon. Dear lady, Thanks for noticing that we were both shopping...

Our Purdue astronauts crossed final frontier

Before they were superheroes of the Space Age, they were students at Purdue. Virgil “Gus” Grissom, native of Mitchell in Lawrence County, Purdue University class...

Despite election tension, remember to love thy neighbor

An open letter to the lady I talked to in Aldi’s on Election Day around noon. Dear lady, Thanks for noticing that we were both shopping...

Letter: Urban forest project already bearing fruit

To the editor: Early one evening as my wife and I were driving home west on South Street, I was surprised to see the side...

Letter: Keep weeds to give butterflies, bees a boost

To the editor: Butterflies and bees, among Indiana’s primary pollinators, are threatened due to a loss of habitat. But the state has thousands of underutilized...

Go to Mars? Let’s stick with Earth

In an op-ed published last month, President Barack Obama proposed a partnership between the government and the private sector in pursuit of this goal:...