Local Opinion

Unpaid debt: Many veterans left alone to suffer

Four of my grandmother’s brothers served in World War II. Three returned safe and sound: Steve from the Army, Charlie from the Merchant Marine,...

Letter: Keep weeds to give butterflies, bees a boost

<strong>To the editor:</strong> Butterflies and bees, among Indiana’s primary pollinators, are threatened due to a loss of habitat. But the state has thousands of underutilized...

Go to Mars? Let’s stick with Earth

In an op-ed published last month, President Barack Obama proposed a partnership between the government and the private sector in pursuit of this goal:...

Unlike Cubs’ story, politics is buzzkill

I am thinking about the future. The future being the Wednesday this column is published, which is one day after the Campaigns That Would Not...

Leaving the EU just got stickier

<strong>Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (TNS)</strong> The question of whether Britain will leave the European Union or not, believed settled by the June 23 vote to leave, has...

Letter: Social Security not an entitlement for retirees

To the editor: In his column, on page A4 in the Nov. 1 Daily Journal ("An issue U.S. can no longer ignore"), Lee Hamilton wrongly...

‘Do unto others …’ when you’re considering changes to industry

I was visiting my urogeologist, Dr. Benny Boulder, about my kidney stones, when he suddenly asked, “What do economists mean when they talk about...

Unlike Cubs’ story, politics is buzzkill

I am thinking about the future. The future being the Wednesday this column is published, which is one day after the Campaigns That Would Not...

Leaving the EU just got stickier

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (TNS) The question of whether Britain will leave the European Union or not, believed settled by the June 23 vote to leave, has...

Unlike Cubs’ story, politics is buzzkill

I am thinking about the future. The future being the Wednesday this column is published, which is one day after the Campaigns That Would Not...