Local Opinion

Don’t miss the ‘unseen’ economy

Far and away the most common mistake most people make when trying to understand the economy comes from ignoring that part of the economy...

Don’t miss the ‘unseen’ economy

Far and away the most common mistake most people make when trying to understand the economy comes from ignoring that part of the economy...

A lesson on where Hoosier hoops came from

For the better part of Indiana’s history, high school basketball has been the glue that binds citizens together. Is there a Hoosier living who hasn’t...

A lesson on where Hoosier hoops came from

For the better part of Indiana’s history, high school basketball has been the glue that binds citizens together. Is there a Hoosier living who hasn’t...

The Greenwood protest of 1968

Betty calmly said, “You know I picketed, don’t you?” Alex’s eyes grew wide like saucers as she turned her chair and body posture toward her...

The Greenwood protest of 1968

Betty calmly said, “You know I picketed, don’t you?” Alex’s eyes grew wide like saucers as she turned her chair and body posture toward her...

Letter: Don’t buy into the Big Lie

To the editor: For those of you still sitting on the fence, please don’t sacrifice your privilege to vote. Like all human...

University host of Pence-Kaine debate shows lesson in thinking big

A small college of 5,000 students, located in a little town with 8,000 residents, pulled off a big undertaking recently. Longwood University and the surrounding...

Look back to when campaigns were civil

Everyone agrees that this election season has been one for the record books. Members of all political parties seem thoroughly dismayed by the vicious...

LED me tell you watt I know about light bulbs

Because the husband is nearing retirement age, we get a number of invitations to free steak dinners where financial advisers explain the complexities of...