Local Opinion

Letting suspense build for a whole bunk of talent

My niece Raegan spent a few hours on her fall break working a puzzle. A shale puzzle — as in the layered sedimentary type. We...

Letting suspense build for a whole bunk of talent

My niece Raegan spent a few hours on her fall break working a puzzle. A shale puzzle — as in the layered sedimentary type. We...

Whoever wins election this November, we’ll have to move on

Nineteen days. That’s all that separates us from the day after the most contentious election in modern history. Circle it, Nov. 9. The only certainty...

Trade war: What is it good for? Absolutely nothing

The economic effect of a potential trade war is a timely issue given the anti-trade stance embraced by both presidential candidates. The most recent examples...

Trade war: What is it good for? Absolutely nothing

The economic effect of a potential trade war is a timely issue given the anti-trade stance embraced by both presidential candidates. The most recent examples...

Whoever wins election this November, we’ll have to move on

Nineteen days. That’s all that separates us from the day after the most contentious election in modern history. Circle it, Nov. 9. The only certainty...

Children know everything, but keeping secrets is a gift

It’s no secret that there are people who can keep secrets and people who can’t. There are people who can keep things in the...

Answer to Aleppo? Russian sanctions

<strong>Chicago Tribune (TNS)</strong> France’s foreign minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, has foretold an ominous fate for Syria’s largest city: “Aleppo will be totally destroyed by Christmas.” Not just...

Sometimes hope shows up in unexpected place

Hope. Good word hope. Only I don’t have so much these days. This week I found a little. And it really makes an impression. Because...

Answer to Aleppo? Russian sanctions

Chicago Tribune (TNS) France’s foreign minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, has foretold an ominous fate for Syria’s largest city: “Aleppo will be totally destroyed by Christmas.” Not just...