Local Opinion

Ukulele can help you make sweet music no matter your age

My granddaughter Lorelei started this. She told Grandma she wanted a guitar for her birthday coming up in September. I am happy as a guitar-playing...

Queen of free: Get money-smart on costs of attending college

While the return to the classroom has already occurred for the younger set of scholars, most college students are just starting to get moved...

Ukulele can help you make sweet music no matter your age

My granddaughter Lorelei started this. She told Grandma she wanted a guitar for her birthday coming up in September. I am happy as a guitar-playing...

Democratic presidential candidate’s economic approach heavy on ideology, regulations

Hillary Clinton, whose family income is in the top tenth of the top 1 percent, something like $10 million in 2015 to go along...

Democratic presidential candidate’s economic approach heavy on ideology, regulations

Hillary Clinton, whose family income is in the top tenth of the top 1 percent, something like $10 million in 2015 to go along...

Letter: Current legislatures should resign, let new officials take places

To the editor: I read the paper, watch TV and listen to radio, and have come to the conclusion that if you...

Letter: Trump Purple Heart claim disingenuous

To the editor: A while back at a campaign rally, a person presented Donald Trump with a Purple Heart. Mr. Trump accepted it and said,...

Hypothetically, suprise party sounds fun

I was taken aback by a question my wife posed to me recently on our way to a movie: “Dick, next year, do you...

Hypothetically, suprise party sounds fun

I was taken aback by a question my wife posed to me recently on our way to a movie: “Dick, next year, do you...

Letter: Cooperation resulted in key conviction

To the editor: As the Brown County prosecuting attorney, I wanted to take a moment to salute and publicly thank Johnson County...