Local Opinion

‘Thank you’ can go a long way in life

Here is the big news — science has rediscovered religion. Recent research suggests that there might be a “religion gene” in our DNA or...

‘Thank you’ can go a long way in life

Here is the big news — science has rediscovered religion. Recent research suggests that there might be a “religion gene” in our DNA or...

Hats off to first female Hoosier in Congress

Riding FDR’s coattails while declaring herself “my own boss,” Democrat Virginia E. Jenckes unseated a 16-year incumbent in 1932 to become the first Indiana...

Hats off to first female Hoosier in Congress

Riding FDR’s coattails while declaring herself “my own boss,” Democrat Virginia E. Jenckes unseated a 16-year incumbent in 1932 to become the first Indiana...

Only one ‘Prairie Home’

Garrison Keillor performed his final “Prairie Home Companion” episode last week, capping things off with a goodbye visit to Lake Wobegon, his mythical hometown...

Hoosiers owe former Congressman Jennings debt of gratitude

Alexander Hamilton is big these days. Who could have guessed that a banker from the American Revolution would be the subject of a hit...

Hoosiers owe former Congressman Jennings debt of gratitude

Alexander Hamilton is big these days. Who could have guessed that a banker from the American Revolution would be the subject of a hit...

Indiana’s economy: Better than expected, worse than it should be

It is election season and the op-ed pages are filled with commentaries on the good and bad features of the Hoosier economy. As an...

Indiana’s economy: Better than expected, worse than it should be

It is election season and the op-ed pages are filled with commentaries on the good and bad features of the Hoosier economy. As an...

Don’t read this column if you get bugged easily

There is a beetle in my freezer. And he’s not there by accident. I caught him, I boxed him and then I froze him. If...