Local Opinion

Keeping your costs down while shopping online

<p>My email box dings with a notification. What’s that? An important message from my daughter’s school? A new opportunity to speak somewhere or write...

America’s middle class needs support

KPC News Service America’s middle class is shrinking, a study earlier this month confirmed. Northeast Indiana may be slipping even...

America’s middle class needs support

<p>KPC News Service</p> <p>America’s middle class is shrinking, a study earlier this month confirmed.</p> <p>Northeast Indiana may be slipping even...

Voters come out for school referenda

Indiana got pretty excited about the primary election earlier this month. We played a role in the presidential sweepstakes, and the election result in...

Editorial roundup – May 30

<p><p style="text-align: left"><strong>An appeal to open government</strong></p> <p><strong>South Bend Tribune</p> <p></strong>Consumer advocacy groups and professional journalism organizations concerned about a...

Editorial roundup – May 30

An appeal to open government South Bend Tribune Consumer advocacy groups and professional journalism organizations concerned about a recent Indiana...

Letter: Can anyone trust government?

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p> <p>Regarding the May 17 guest column ("Privacy vs. Justice," by Cyrus Vance Jr., Jackie Lacey and Bonnie Dumanis):</p> ...

Letter: Can anyone trust government?

To the editor: Regarding the May 17 guest column ("Privacy vs. Justice," by Cyrus Vance Jr., Jackie Lacey and Bonnie Dumanis): ...

Reagan’s first inaugural: Government is the problem.”

<p>It has been 35 years since Ronald Reagan’s first inaugural speech as president — the one in which he said, “In this present crisis,...

Letter: Schools should be safe place for students

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p> <p>Every child deserves a safe space. No child or teen should be forced into an intimate setting with a...