Local Opinion

Mom, just saying thanks for all the big, and little, things

Dear Mom, Just in case I’ve never said thank you — well, thank you. Thanks for dragging us to church...

Fish story proves no easy choice in life

This has been a bad week for people like me who get their medical news from USA Today. A few days ago I read...

It’s getting harder to govern, and it’s not just politicians’ fault

We may not know who our next president is going to be, but here’s one thing that’s almost certain: he or she will take...

Letter: More to story about I-69 path

To the editor: I read with interest the Daily Journal story "Rough Road" (April 14) on the Boyd family members’ efforts to...

Remembering time in Ecuador

The news of the recent earthquake in Ecuador was especially sad and distressing for my wife and me. We recently spent two weeks there...

Letter: Sentencing laws need to be reformed

To the editor: In the Friends' Committee on National Legislation Newsletter, I read the following, titled "End Mass Incarceration." "The...

Switch to new Indiana A-F accountability grades right move

(Elkhart) Truth Without much fanfare, as Indiana students were finishing this year’s round of ISTEP testing, the Indiana State Board of Education...

Emphatic support for the public’s right to know

South Bend Tribune With the stroke of a pen, Gov. Mike Pence offered emphatic support for the public’s right to know. ...

Labor markets value education

<p>Labor markets across the United States, including here in Indiana, are edging ever closer to full employment, the happy condition in which there is...

Labor markets value education

Labor markets across the United States, including here in Indiana, are edging ever closer to full employment, the happy condition in which there is...