Local Opinion

Indiana must deal with rape numbers

Kokomo Tribune A national analysis of sexual violence by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found 15 percent of high school-age...

The value of virtue: Knowing when to step up

A poem fell out of the back of my desk calendar along with some sweet memories. “Somebody’s Mother” is a tender poem from long...

Letter: Legislation caused shortage of teachers

To the editor: This viewpoint presented ("Identify then pay good teachers well," March 2) tries to portray legislation trying to have a...

Sound of silence sought for rock generation

As a teenager I was infatuated with rock music. Headphones weren’t an option on my budget, so to hear the nuances of my favorite...

Beginning the quest to pay for childrens’ college

My daughter recently chose her high school schedule. I know, I know. Some of you are thinking, “What’s the big deal?!” You’ve probably walked...

Police cameras bill needs more work

(Anderson) Herald Bulletin State legislation to determine rules for public access to video footage from police body cameras and police dashboard cameras...

Letter: City officials wasting taxpayer dollars

To the editor: City officials need to represent us! The city of Greenwood and government overall is out of control. ...

Who took what jobs?

Some politicians love to play on popular fears that low-wage foreigners are “stealing” good paying American jobs by way of outsourcing and globalization. The...

My prayer for strong 2 (or more) party system

I am a Democrat who is praying for the Republican Party. I am sure I am not the only Democrat doing so. ...

Mom gets writing SOS, sees daughter’s heart

After a five-hour convention meeting Sunday afternoon, I received a text message at 9:55 p.m. from my 23-year old married daughter. “Moooooooooom.” ...