Local Opinion

Golf canceled, making a week without joy

My wife and I were planning a trip to Florida to visit Mary Ellen’s old high school friend, but Joy’s husband was unexpectedly called...

Letter: Indiana needs hate crime legislation

To the editor: I agree it is past time to pass legislation in Indiana concerning the hate crimes issue ("Time to pass...

Letter: Raise cigarette tax to make Indiana healthier

To the editor: For over 70 years, the Little Red Door Cancer Agency has been the go-to place for many low income...

Philatelic fella’s psychedelic find frowned on

For starters, let me be clear that I do not blame the post office. To their credit, the post office offers a wide variety...

Indiana needs a long-term road funding solution

Indiana is known as “the Crossroads of America.” Unfortunately, Indiana has an annual road and bridge maintenance needs funding gap of almost $1 billion. ...

Identify then pay good teachers

(Fort Wayne) News-Sentinel The General Assembly is considering legislation that could prove helpful to school districts looking to attract and reward good...

More needed to clean up public education mess

(Fort Wayne) News-Sentinel The Indiana Senate last week approved a measure that could ultimately lead lawmakers to ditch ISTEP, the statewide education...

Letter: Teachers bill not good for students

To the editor: For years, local teachers and school administrators have worked together to best serve our students. If House Bill 1004...

Letter: Presidential candidates need experience

To the editor: I always feel more comfortable when I can see a little gray hair on my medical doctors and airline...

Gary: The city that U.S. Steel Built

In 1904, the directors of the U.S. Steel Corporation made a monumental decision for the future of northwest Indiana. After considering locations in Illinois...