Local Opinion

Bye-bye ‘Buy-hiatus’— it was ‘fun’ while it lasted

Our household game called “buy-hiatus” or the “spend-down” is crawling to an end, unless my husband reads this and challenges me to play another...

Punny thoughts on cauliflower

There’s not much humor related to the topic of cruciferous vegetables. You can search the Internet for almost any kind of joke, but if...

Letter: Access to firearm crucial in handling active shooter cases

To the editor: In response to your article, "Be prepared in case of shooter," (Feb. 17), instead of law enforcement suggesting the...

Keep snacks on hand to avoid vending machine temptation

We’ve all been there. Sitting at a desk at work, grinding the afternoon away. You’re trying to focus but keep hearing the...

Greenwood TIFs promote economic growth

During the past week, there has been a lot of discussion surrounding tax increment financing (TIF) districts and the value of using TIFs as...

Time to pass law about hate crimes

Only five states still don’t have a law that allows stiffer penalties for crimes prompted by bias. Indiana doesn’t have a hate...

Losing jobs like a natural disaster

There is a common, comforting acceptance that “What is, is.” However, any disturbance (actual or anticipated) of “what is” may become unreasonable...

Letter: County could use quality control person

To the editor: The City of Greenwood and Johnson County are working hard to repave our roads and doing a great job. ...

Royal flush of watching animals in wild

I’ve been inadvertently bird watching more lately. I moved my oak writing desk upstairs from the basement and situated it in front of a...

Editorial roundup – February 19

The weird principles of giftonomics Chicago Tribune (TNS) Economists who study the mismatch of Christmas gift exchanges coined a cold...