Local Opinion

@%&#! language on rise; we’re worse off for it

I liked it better when presidential candidates spent more time shaking hands and kissing babies than calling their opponents liars and losers. ...

An open 500 for every driver

At 70 miles per hour on Interstate 465 around Indianapolis, my car was 15 miles over the speed limit. Yet I was being passed...

Go ahead and sing

Time was, before some nameless bureaucratic committee decided that a three-day weekend at this cold and dreary time of year would be a good...

Letter: Columnist drives home point about Manning

To the editor: Bob Johnson's column on Peyton Manning ("Thanks, but...." Feb. 9) was spot-on. That’s exactly how I would have written...

Editorial roundup – February 15

Drug king: A consumer foe gives Congress the silent treatment Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (TNS) Martin Shkreli, the 32-year-old poster child of...

Tales of trouble at grocery store

My wife says I’m not a spiritual person, but I believe I could be someday. I mean, you have to have faith. ...

Working out on journey that never truly ends

When I was in my mid 20’s, I took a Taekwondo class with my sister Debbie at IUPUI — which could’ve been mortifying. ...

Valentine’s Day

We all have them. Memories of Valentine’s Day. Whether old or young, most of us remember smiles, laughter, and love on this special day....

People matter most when creating efforts to promote economic prosperity

In most my dealings with questions of economic development I run across men and women who view themselves as pragmatic doers, totally immune from...

How to tell if Congress is working again

There have been encouraging signs that the Republican leadership on Capitol Hill wants to make Congress function again. They’ve talked about using conference committees...