Local Opinion

What it will take to address income inequality

When the history of this year’s presidential campaign is written, one of its more remarkable features will be that candidates of both parties feel...

You digging it?

I was looking for a magazine to take on the plane to pass the time on our two-hour flight to Houston. At the airport,...

Some cures for local government finance

Few, if any, thoughtful observers of Indiana government would conclude that the current local tax system is sufficient to meet the needs of the...

Potential candidates have much to consider

Young people should be idealistic. Tiny hands should shoot up when a teacher asks, “Who wants to be president someday?” The authors...

Police body cameras bill ignores public’s right to know

The use of body cameras by police departments across Indiana is increasing as more of them are realizing the value. Recordings can aid in investigations,...

Letter: Sports editors’ column right on target

To the editor: Bull's-eye Rick! Mr. Morwick’s Jan. 6 Colts Beat column "To be contenders, Colts need more talent, Luck"...

Justice awaits those mean to animals

Monday afternoon Becky and I were “resting our eyes” in the living room when I heard the patter of animal footsteps on our deck....

Make most of ‘snow days’

The cold and snow can make you feel trapped inside your own home. The walls all start to look the same and the romanticized...

Editorial roundup – January 18

Despite its critics, the new food plan is sensible Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (TNS) As people continue to put on more weight...

Consider yourself warned of quirky Hommel genes

Dear nieces, (whose names could possibly rhyme with Nev and Raegan) I won’t use your last names because I know this public...