Local Opinion

Having a ball with quirky past time

Mike and Glenda Carmichael of Alexandria have been married a long time, but they still have a ball. In fact, they’ve had this ball...

Demand, not supply, heart of drug problem

Indiana’s current policy debate about methamphetamine restrictions offers a window into the myriad failures of our War on Drugs, and the shallow thinking that...

Inmate labor program a win-win proposition

Daily Journal When the Johnson County Public Library needed to tear out old carpet, move shelves and transport stacks of books from...

Letter: GOP plan win for budget, health

To the editor: Indiana is in dire need of road funding to cover our aging infrastructure. A proposal from Gov. Mike Pence...

State job gains look promising

“Was 2015 the best year ever for employment in Indiana?” That was the question asked by Don Doom as his wife, Doris, put the...

Focis: School safety

(Fort Wayne) News-Sentinel How do we walk the fine line between preparing our children for the real world and scaring them so...

Shrink your waist, not pocketbook this new year

Turn on your TV right now, and you’ll be hit with ads for gyms and diet programs and fitness informercials galore. Marketers know we’re...

Check out this chance to visit parks for free

When the Indiana Department of Natural Resources says it wants Indiana residents to "check out" state parks this year, the department means it literally. ...

Threats are no prank, waste valuable resources

A recent string of bomb threats at Indiana schools, businesses and shopping malls left school officials, police and business operators handcuffed and frustrated. ...

Regional cities, stellar communities are revolutionary policies

Among the first lessons I absorbed as a second lieutenant was simply, “Always reinforce success, not failure.” But one need not graduate from the...