Local Opinion

Focus: Public schools

Gov. Mike Pence has declared that this year’s meeting of the state legislature will be an “education session dedicated to improving all our schools...

Draining of Kankakee basin destroyed an Indiana habitat

Long before scientists understood the benefits of wetlands, Hoosiers drained a wildlife Garden of Eden that stretched from western St. Joseph County to the...

New year brings new day with new possibilities

What will 2016 bring? What will Jan. 2 bring? Expect mistakes If it was Jan. 2, 1860, I could anticipate...

Choppy cruise gives rise to waves of protest

The Wolfsies have returned from a Christmas cruise where high seas and bad weather made our journey less than enjoyable. So, in the spirit...

Helping teachers recognize dyslexia good for students

If dyslexia goes unrecognized, it can hamper a child's education throughout that youngster's schooling. That's why State Rep. Woody Burton, R-Greenwood, authored a bill...

Women’s sports pioneer truly was legend

The word "legend" gets bandied about so often nowadays it loses much of its meeting, but Ruth Ann Callon truly was a legend in...

Final week of year needs catchy name

Even if for some reason you don’t celebrate, observe or participate in any of the various winter holidays, the majority of the people in...

5 simple tasks to help get a jump on another new year

The Christmas presents sit unwrapped under the tree, the decorations begin to find their way back into boxes, and the cookies quickly disappear from...

Restricting aid for able-bodied not un-Christian

“For the poor you have with you always, but you do not always have Me.” — Jesus Christ In a letter to...

The public-private partnership trap

A trend recently in economic development circles has been to encourage public-private partnerships. In this kind of partnership, the government partners with a private...