Local Opinion

Letter: City council discriminates with grass ordinance

To the editor: We know that being on the city council is a hard and difficult job — trying to accomplish something...

Helping hands boost local charity efforts

Volunteers filled a kitchen cabinet seemingly to overflowing. Cans of sweet corn, green beans and peaches were stacked up four cans high. On the...

Family talents steal show during annual Thanksgiving Day banquet

Writing this five days before Thanksgiving, my salivary glands are beginning to anticipate my sister-in-law Amanda’s tender turkey, my brother Kevin’s specialty mashed potatoes...

Letter: Consider ‘no’ vote on Center Grove project

To the editor: This is directed to all the retirees in White River Township. Please mark your calendar for the...

Pause to thank those making community better

To many people, Thanksgiving is an excuse to eat, watch football or plan for and begin holiday shopping. But many Johnson County...

Here’s why you probably can’t measure up to the dress

A website I was browsing offered a helpful feature for online shoppers — the model’s height and the size of the dress she was...

Biltmore House helps restore some Christmas spirit

Does all this noise about Black Friday, stores promoting Christmas sales so early, saying Seasons Greetings instead of Merry Christmas, the fight over nativity...

Remain thankful for life, even with aching back

Somewhere in the Bible it says we are to be thankful at all times no matter what. Where is that? Wait ... here it...

Don’t let holiday gobble up your budget

We love the turkey. We love the pie. We love all of the special fixings and especially the time spent with our families. ...

Debunkers of TIF ‘myths’ could use some debunking themselves

You know there is a political element when the sponsors of a research study announce in advance what the research is going to find....