Local Opinion

Domestic violence problem not going away

Based on the volume of calls for assistance, the number of local residents asking for help due to domestic violence has been on the...

Decades-old Newhart routine rings true in today’s campaign

I remember finding it in our living room, nestled between two Frank Sinatra albums. I recall carefully fitting the record over the tiny spindle...

By standing together, we no longer are helpless and hopeless

If emotions could be measured in pounds, the emotions of helplessness and hopelessness must have weighed in the tons over the past two weeks....

Plans for regional cities initiative are revealing

The selection committee has announced three finalists for the first round of the Regional Cities Initiative. There is a lot to be gleaned from...

Residents can help prevent break-ins

Recently, four residents along Rocklane Road east of Greenwood reported that a total of six vehicles had been broken into overnight. The only items...

Family thankful for flexibility of Ye Olde Pilgrim Games

We play outdoor games at Thanksgiving. I blame the Kennedys. As a child, I remember hearing about the Kennedys playing football at...

Declining small towns pose political dilemma

In case you were not counting, Indiana has 545 cities and towns that existed in both 1970 and 2010. Four of the 1970 towns...

Letter: Golden Ladder of Charity offers lessons today

To the editor: A modest rejoinder to Nov. 12's "Forcing taxpayers to support charity wrong" column, based on philosopher Moses Maimonides' "Golden...

Early-morning critter crisis unveils beauty of stars

The sound is as if something is moving around and bumping against the wall in the bathroom. There it is again. Could it be...

Musical excellence earned through diligent work

Excellence in high school band competitions is nearly a tradition in Johnson County. One or more of our bands has placed highly in state...