Local Opinion

Can rural Indiana keep up in the info-age?

Successful deployment of statewide broadband service is within reach for Indiana. However, the state must take a proactive, leadership stance to provide...

Letter: Give teachers larger tax credit

To the editor: In your editorial Aug. 18 ("State's teachers should receive larger tax credit"), you suggest our Indiana state teachers should...

Letter: Big thank-you to educators who shaped students

To the editor: In the last couple of months I have been privileged to attend a Whiteland Community High School Alumni Association...

Base trust on workable policies, not hollow promises

Many Americans are interested to know why Donald Trump, a successful businessman without any public service experience, has become the front-runner in the Republican...

What drives decision to hike fed rate?

Every few days we see the release of new economic data that fuels endless speculation about the timing of the Federal Reserve’s decision to...

Letter: Town of Center Grove still not needed

To the editor: What brought up the idea of "shovel ready" (Aug. 13)? Let me refresh your memory. Within the past five...

Shticking your neck out to create bit of humor

“I watch your stick on TV,” a woman said to me as I exited the supermarket. I’m pretty sure she meant shtick,...

County wise to seek Center Grove area input

Many Center Grove area residents will tell you it's a great place to live but not so great when it comes to shopping or...

Writing checks today lacks public’s stamp of approval

Tripping lightly through the digital world the other day — also known as wasting time on the Internet — I came across this gem: ...

Save time, money packing lunch

School officially is in full swing for most of Johnson County. Every morning, parents from Greenwood to Edinburgh rise at the crack of dawn....