Local Opinion

Letter: Tutoring program helps kids overcome challenges

To the editor: Each fall as we watch the children start a new year in their neighborhood schools many of us begin...

Letter: Tutoring program helps kids overcome challenges

To the editor: Each fall as we watch the children start a new year in their neighborhood schools many of us begin...

Husband’s termination, no insurance news to all

After I made a dental appointment last week, the receptionist called back to say we no longer had dental coverage. “That’s interesting,”...

Organizations should be commended for missions

Daily Journal What do you with old windows that are still in good condition? Or usable doors that just don’t fit the...

State’s teachers should receive larger tax credit

Back-to-school preparations for parents this time of year involve buying new clothes, lunch boxes and the many supplies their children will need in class,...

Fried baloney (bologna) sandwiches, not for taste — but nostalgia

If you are what you eat, I am a fried baloney sandwich, because that’s what I just had for lunch. You’ll notice...

Baby bunny cuteness grows into neighborhood cottontail problem

We have several neighbors who take a casual approach to lawn maintenance. They are essentially growing native habitat. Word spread about the...

Celebrate school days without overspending

When the last bell of the first day of school rings, kids burst from the classrooms giddy with new year jitters and newness of...

Start of school means final weekend of fun

Even though I’ve been out of the teaching game for a few years now, I am constantly reminded of the framework of the school...

Focus: Equal access to polls

To mark the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Voting Rights Act, here’s a quick quiz: State A offers early voting...